How to Solve Issues With Acceptance

It has been 3 weeks since I published my first blog and I have been thinking about this feeling of never being enough. With the growing age, we somehow put ourselves in self doubt and then self criticism, as if others are not enough to do that already? Right? So yes, the concept is to remove negative self talk from our life and engage more into self improvement and self forgiveness. The purpose of using the word self here number of time is to tell you that this article is all about personal growth, unconditional self acceptance and self love by dealing with all the internal and external circumstances. I am trying to know about the possibilities and in deep quest to find my answers.

I have grown up listening to this story of a Flower. Waking up in the morning and getting ready for school to join the morning prayer was my schedule that I left 5 years back. We used to get heck bored with the morning assemblies and never actually paid attention. Out of all the stories that Sister used to tell, I vividly remember the one about The Flower. That time I could not get the essence but today it connects the dots. The story is a line stating,

"If you like a flower, you will pluck it, but, if you love that flower, you'll water it."

Read that again and come back here. When you'll pluck that flower, you'll be happy that it is with you. But you did this for yourself. Did you ask the flower if it is happy? The flower wanted to grow but now it stopped, and now it is only serving as a satisfaction for you. This is all you wanted. You wanted the flower to be with you.

Coming  to another part of the story, let it grow and water it daily. You will see that you are happy and if you ask the flower, it is rejoicing now. The best part here is, you will know that the flower is still there, blooming, and looking to that beauty not only gives you satisfaction but a different feeling of calmness inside your body. The flower might not be actually and physically be a part of you now but somewhere on earth it is blooming. Not only you, but now there are more admirers of it and doesn't it makes you feel good about the flower that you loved?

Apologies, to get you a long way with that short story but I guess you might be able to relate a bit more. Let's take a deep plunge into it.

The flower is the person you love. As you read this, I bet most of you could picturise a person in your brain and if you do, feel grateful that you got someone worth loving. There are stories about them which might linger in your head including how you met, how it all started, how you guys hangout, things you do or maybe used to do, how things turn out differently by arguments, how you fought with each other and so on. This can be related with someone who you are in touch with but don't talk much  or someone you no longer talk. This ain't specific to your partner or your better-half but much relates with your friends and sometimes family too. 

The current situation is never the same how it was years back. But there are certain circumstances which lead you to this situation. Do you know that in your sub-conscious mind, you still think about those circumstances and look for a solution? But the only thing which is required to do is to ACCEPT.

I might sound unreal and philosophic but the truth is that to accept is the biggest challenge, and for me, it is my biggest fear. I do not want to accept the realities sometimes but I have realized that acceptance is something which can calm the storm inside me. 3 weeks down and still practicing. I am aware of the difficulties lying in the acceptance, but you know what? More than the hardships, I am more certain of the results. I know how beautifully I am growing while accepting it all.

I felt I was not enough for someone and I felt worse when he left. Leaving me with just pain and tears. I won't blame anyone here but this is a very natural feeling. Honestly, you will not overcome this at all. Yes, accept this that YOU WON'T. I know you will try hard to get back and I know that you won't succeed. This is when you need to know that you can never be enough for someone. You can never truly live if you are looking for happiness in someone else. Even if the flower is loved, it will bloom only when it is not with you and likewise you will shine bright only after accepting yourself completely, with or without the person.

This is not simple and requires your whole attention, on yourself. This comes up with time and allowing your soul to nurture and grow on it's own. I won't say this will really work in just a month, but a part of you will feel happy and accepted. I started doing it and felt a little bit of change and I hope it will help you too.

Stay Alone for sometime
Talk about it, but to those who listen
Write. If you don't have someone to talk, diaries are best
Meditate and let your thoughts flow
Exercise because you just need to divert your energy 

These practices needs input and has wider results. If this helps you, do let me know in the comments section. If you came across such incidents in your life and can relate to it, I am happy that I made a point here. Also, if you have found your solutions to acceptance write them in the comments to help everyone overcome this situation and build positive relations with oneself.

Learn to Accept and Grow :)
Until Next Time...



  1. Acceptance takes time....1 month 6 month 1 year 2 year 3 years....but not more than that.....and always remember once you had accept the reality you will shine like one can conquer your positivity, it will be with you forever.

  2. I've faced so many things, sometimes it was in my favor and sometimes not.
    All I've learned through out my life is to see things as they are and do not contemplate the view or scenario. So referring to your words,
    The moment we accept the nature of people and things as they are always (without having selfishness)' most of our worries and anxieties flow away.
    Well written and the way you've portrayed the story is appreciated.

    1. Hello!
      Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. It helps me learning with you. Thanks a lot and Happy Reading :)

  3. If anybody doesn't have that flower in the life then what that person should do ??? But yes we should accept the truth move on. Well written

    1. Hello Reader,
      If you do not have a flower, you are blessed with your own self. Water it and bloom forever. Moving on is just a word and takes a lifetime but I am sure you will eventually learn something. I hope this finds you peace. Happy Reading :)


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